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Healthy Food…a new way of life!


Obesity is a plague affecting more and more Asian people. For the past few years overweight and obesity are booming are sharply increased in Asia. Medical organizations are raising concerns as Asia was so far doing pretty good so far. We know that obesity and overweight increase the risk of multiple diseases (heart disease, diabetes, cancers…)

We took the problem into consideration and started to think about what we can do to tackle the growing issue. We, at Fackelmann, help you to cook smart and eat healthy. We have been developing a comprehensive concept to help people cook right. With our CookSmart kitchen tools we promote healthy and balanced meals on a daily basis.

We optimized your lunch boxes (682687-682688-682689) to bring your lunch and skip fast foods. They are now foldable and take no space on your way to the gym. Check out our wooden herb storage (686480.CS2) to grow your aromatic plants and go organic. We built a comprehensive range to stay fit.

Our innovative kitchen tools line CookSmart features built-in portion control. We want to help on the nutrition side with a quick understanding of daily portions for pasta, veggies, fish and meat at home. Our kitchen guideboard (23656.CS) is a perfect tool to never lose track of nutrition facts and portions equivalences.

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